Intermediate - Business Style (C0076)

xiàgeyuè wǒ qù Zhōngguó chūchāi ,wǒ tīngshuō zhōngguórén xǐhuan biān chī biān zuòshēngyì 。
I’m going to China on a business trip next month. I’d heard that Chinese people like to do business while dining.

méicuò 。zài Zhōngguó ,shēngyìrén xǐhuan zài zuòshēngyì zhīqián huā shíjiān liǎojiě duìfāng 。nà yìwèi zhe nǐ jiāng huā hěn duō shíjiān biān chī biān tán shēngyi ,hái yào hé nǐ de Zhōngguó tóngshì láiwǎng 。
That’s right. In China business people spend time getting to know each other before doing business. That means that you will spend a lot of time talking business over dinner and socializing with your Chinese colleagues.

wǒ míngbái le ,dànshì nàyàng bù shì hěn huā shíjiān ma ?
I see. But doesn’t that take a lot of time.

duì 。dàn nà hěn zhòngyào ,yīnwèi zài Zhōngguó xǔduō shēngyi dōu yīkào liánghǎode guānxi lái wánchéng 。nǐ lǐjiě nà yīdiǎn hěn zhòngyào 。
Yeah, it takes a lot of time, but it’s important. A lot of business in China is carried out through good relationships. It’s really important that you understand that point.

hǎoba ,wǒ huì quèbǎo zài zuòshēngyì zhīqián jiànlìqǐ liánghǎode guānxi 。
Okay. I’ll make sure to build a good relationship before talking business.


下个月 xiàgeyuè next month
to go to
出差 chūchāi to take a business trip
听说 tīngshuō to have heard it said that
边......边...... biān ....... biān ...... ... and ... simultaneously
做生意 zuòshēngyì to do business
生意人 shēngyìrén businessmen
之前 zhīqián before
huā to spend
时间 shíjiān time
了解 liǎojiě to understand
对方 duìfāng counterpart
意味着 yìwèi zhe to imply
jiāng will
tán to discuss
来往 láiwǎng to interact
但是 dànshì but
重要 zhòngyào important
依靠 yīkào depend on
良好 liánghǎo good
关系 guānxi relation; relationship
理解 lǐjiě understand
确保 quèbǎo ensure; guarantee
建立 jiànlì establish
浪费 làngfèi waste
关照 guānzhào look after
办事 bànshì handle affairs
客户 kèhù customer
情谊 qíngyì friendship
友好 yǒuhǎo friendly