Intermediate - Shopping (C0068)

Lǐ Tàitai ,rúguǒ wǒ bān dào Shànghǎi mǎi dōngxi fāngbiàn bu fāngbiàn ?
Mrs. Li, if I move to Shanghai is buying things convenient or not?

Shànghǎi de bǎihuògōngsī hěn duō 。zài bǎihuògōngsī lǐ shénme dōngxi dōu yǒu 。kěshì jiàqian guì le yīdiǎn 。
Shanghai has many department stores. In the department stores you can find anything. But the price is a little expensive.

chúle bǎihuògōngsī yǐwài hái yǒu qítā de mǎi dōngxi de dìfang ma ?
Outside of the department stores, are there any other places to shop?

zài Shànghǎi shìchǎng yě hěn duō 。nàli jiàqian bǐjiào hélǐ 。
There are many markets in Shanghai. Prices are more reasonable there.

zài Shànghǎi wǒ bìxū yòng xiànjīn fùqián ma ?kě bu kěyǐ yòng xìnyòngkǎ ?
In Shanghai must I use cash to pay? Can I use a credit card?

xiànjīn 、xìnyòngkǎ dōu kěyǐ 。
Both cash and credit cards are OK.


搬到 bān dào to move to
方便 fāngbiàn convenient
百货公司 bǎihuògōngsī department store
除了……以外 chúle ... yǐwài except for; aside from
价钱 jiàqian price
合理 hélǐ reasonable
市场 shìchǎng market
如果 rúguǒ if
必须 bìxū must
信用卡 xìnyòngkǎ credit card
现金 xiànjīn cash
比较 bǐjiào comparatively
其他 qítā other
商场 shāngchǎng shopping mall
超市 chāoshì supermarket
购物中心 gòuwù zhōngxīn shopping center
昂贵 ángguì expensive; costly
逛街 guàngjiē to go shopping