Intermediate - Chinese Celebrity: Bruce Lee (C0059)

shéi shì Zhōngguó zuì yǒumíng de diànyǐng míngxīng ?dāngrán shì Bruce Lee,Lǐ Xiǎolóng 。tā shì Xiānggǎngrén 。tā shì gōngfu diànyǐng dàshī 。tā zài Hǎoláiwù chéngwéi shìjiè jùxīng 。tā de zhāopái shì shuāngjiégùn hé tā de jiàoshēng 。
Who is China’s most famous movie star? Of course it’s Bruce Lee, or Li Xiaolong. He is a native of Hong Kong. He is a master of kung fu movies. He became a world superstar in Hollywood. His trademark was his nunchucks and his yell.


有名 yǒumíng famous
明星 míngxīng star
当然 dāngrán of course
大师 dàshī master
电影 diànyǐng movie
成为 chéngwéi to become
巨星 jùxīng giant star
招牌 zhāopái signature moves
shēng sound
影帝 yǐngdì king of the silver screen
影后 yǐnghòu film queen
武打片 wǔdǎpiàn kungfu films
恐怖片 kǒngbùpiàn horror film
动作片 dòngzuòpiàn action movie
搞笑片 gǎoxiàopiàn comedy
喜剧 xǐjù comedy
悲剧 bēijù tragedy