Intermediate - Weather, Man (C0049)

nǐ míngtiān gàn shénme ?
What are you doing tomorrow?

bù yīdìng 。rúguǒ xiàyǔ ,wǒ zài jiā 。
I'm not sure. If it rains, I will stay at home.

rúguǒ tiānqì hǎo ne ?
And if the weather is good?

wǒ chūqù 。
I will go out.


明天 míngtiān tomorrow
gàn to do
不一定 bù yīdìng not certain
如果 rúguǒ if
下雨 xiàyǔ to rain
天气 tiānqì weather
出去 chūqù to go out
打算 dǎsuàn plan
计划 jìhuà to plan
决定 juédìng to decide
天气预报 tiānqìyùbào weather forecast
晴天 qíngtiān sunny
雨天 yǔtiān rainy
阴天 yīntiān cloudy day
多云 duōyún cloudy
大雾 dàwù thick fog
郊游 jiāoyóu field trip