Elementary - Just a Flesh Wound (B0295)

tiān na !nǐ liúxiě le !
Oh my! You're bleeding!

nǎli ?wǒ dōu méi zhùyì dào 。
Where? I didn't even notice.

kěshì nǐ de xīgài pò le !
But your knee is all scraped up!

méishì de 。
It's nothing.

nǐ zěnme bù qù yīyuàn ?
Why don't you go to the hospital?

zhè diǎn xiǎo shāngkǒu suàn shénme ,wǒ cái bù zàihu 。
This little cut is no big deal. I really don't care.


流血 liúxiě to bleed
注意到 zhùyì dào to notice
可是 kěshì but
膝盖 xīgài knee
伤口 shāngkǒu wound
在乎 zàihu care
to break
医院 yīyuàn hospital
算什么 suàn shénme to figure as what
摔破 shuāipò to be smashed to pieces
止血 zhǐxiě stanch bleeding
止痛 zhǐtòng to relieve pain
严重 yánzhòng seriously
关心 guānxīn to care about
赶紧 gǎnjǐn hurriedly
包扎 bāozhā bind