Elementary - Introducing One's Children (B0292)

zhè shì wǒ de nǚér 。tā jiǔ suì 。
This is my daughter. She's nine years old.

tā zhēn piàoliang !zhè shì nǐ de érzi ma ?
She's so pretty! Is this your son?

duì 。tā wǔ suì 。
Yes, he's five years old.

tā hǎo kěài !
He's very cute!


zhè this
shì to be
我的 wǒ de my
女儿 nǚér daughter
suì year old
zhēn really
漂亮 piàoliang pretty
你的 nǐ de your
儿子 érzi son
hǎo very
可爱 kěài cute
guāi well-behaved
聪明 cōngming intelligent
活泼 huópo lively
文静 wēnjìng gentle and quiet
懂事 dǒngshì sensible
调皮 tiáopí naughty
好动 hàodòng very active/restless
xiàng to be like