Elementary - Furniture (B0274)

zhè zhāng zhuōzi zhēn piàoliang 。
This table is really pretty.

nà bǎ yǐzi yě hěn bùcuò 。
This chair is also pretty nice.

wǒmen hái xūyào shāfā ma ?
Do we still need a sofa?

xūyào ,dànshì zhèli méiyǒu wǒ xǐhuan de 。
Yes we do, but there aren’t any I like here.

nǐ xǐhuan shénmeyàng de ?
What kind do you like?

wǒ xǐhuan zuò qilai hěn shūfu de 。
I like sofas that are really comfortable to sit in.


zhè this
zhāng /
桌子 zhuōzi table
zhēn really
漂亮 piàoliang pretty
椅子 yǐzi chair
不错 bùcuò not bad
hái also
需要 xūyào to need
沙发 shāfā sofa
但是 dànshì but
什么样 shénmeyàng what kind
坐起来 zuò qilai to sit
舒服 shūfu comfortable
家具 jiājù furniture
一套家具 yī tào jiājù a set of furniture
餐桌 cānzhuō dinner table
书桌 shūzhuō writing table
电脑桌 diànnǎozhuō computer desk
会议桌 huìyìzhuō meeting table
写字台 xiězìtái writing/ business desk
书柜 shūguì bookrack
衣柜 yīguì garderobe
床头柜 chuángtóuguì bedside cabinet
茶几 chájī coffee table (lit. “tea table”)
衣帽架 yīmào jià clothing/hat rack
单人床 dānrénchuáng single bed
双人床 shuāngrénchuáng double bed
儿童床 értóngchuáng children’s bed