Elementary - Pregnancy (B0269)

gàosu nǐ yī ge hǎo xiāoxi ,wǒ huáiyùn le 。
I have some good news to tell you. I’m pregnant!

shìma ?gōngxǐ nǐ !jǐgeyuè le ?
Really? Congratulations! How many months along are you?

cái sān ge yuè 。búguò wǒ hǎo jīdòng !
Only three months. But I’m really excited!

zhēnshì ge hǎo xiāoxi !nǐ yào zuò māma le 。
That’s great news! You’re going to be a mom.

shì yā 。kěshì wǒ yǒudiǎn jǐnzhāng 。
Yeah, but I’m a little bit nervous.

bié dānxīn ,nǐ yào duō zhùyì shēntǐ 。
Don’t worry. But you must take extra care of your health.

wǒ huì de ,xièxie 。
I will, thank you.


告诉 gàosu to tell
怀孕 huáiyùn to be pregnant
恭喜 gōngxǐ congratulations
不过 búguò but
激动 jīdòng excited
注意 zhùyì to pay attention to
紧张 jǐnzhāng nervous
孕妇 yùnfù pregnant woman
预产期 yùchǎnqī expected date of childbirth
产前检查 chǎnqián jiǎnchá prenatal inspection
产检 chǎnjiǎn birth check
shēng to be born
健康 jiànkāng health
注意 zhùyì to pay attention
营养 yíngyǎng nutrition