Elementary - How embarrassing! (B0214)

zhè cì wǒ qǐngkè 。
This time it's my treat.

bùyòng ,wǒ lái 。
You don't need to do that. I can get it.

āiyā ......wǒ qián bùgòu 。zhēn diūliǎn !
Oh no, I don’t have enough money with me. How embarrassing!

méiguānxi 。wǒ lái fù 。
I doesn't matter. I'll pay.


这次 zhè cì this time
请客 qǐngkè to treat guests
gòu enough
丢脸 diūliǎn to lose face
没关系 méiguānxi to not matter
这回 zhè huí this time
下回 xià huí next time
下次 xiàcì next
做东 zuòdōng be the host; stand a treat
买单 mǎidān to order the bill
AA制 AA zhì each person pay his own bill
各付各的 gè fù gè de each person pay his own bill
丢人 diūrén to lose face
出丑 chūchǒu gaffe
dài to carry
现金 xiànjīn cash
刷卡 shuākǎ to swipe a card