Elementary - Adding Credit to a Cell Phone (B0189)

zhèlǐ yǒu shǒujī chōngzhíkǎ ma ?
Do you sell cell phone recharge cards?

yǒu 。nǐ yào duōshǎo qián de ?
Yes. How much would you like?

wǒ zhǐ yòng yī ge xīngqī 。yībǎi de gòu ma ?
I only need it for a week. Is 100 enough?

gòu le 。
Yes, it's enough.


yǒu to have
手机 shǒujī cell phone
充值卡 chōngzhíkǎ prepaid card
多少 duōshǎo how much
zhǐ only
yòng to use
gòu enough
出售 chūshòu to sale
各类 gèlèi all kinds of
中国移动 Zhōngguó yídòng China Mobile
中国联通 Zhōngguó liántōng China Unicom
游戏卡 yóuxì kǎ a card for adding credit for online gaming
面值 miànzhí a face value or denomination