Elementary - Haircuts (B0161)

wǒ xiǎng jiǎn tóufa 。duōshǎo qián ?
I’d like a haircut. How much is it?

xǐ jiǎn chuī wǔshí yuán 。qǐng wèn nǐ xiǎng jiǎn shénmayàng de ?
It’s 50 yuan for a shampoo, cut, and blow dry. What style do you want?

qiánmian duǎn yīdiǎn ,hòumian liú cháng yīdiǎn 。
Shorter in front, but a bit longer in the back.

méiwèntí 。nǐ xiān xǐtóu ba 。
No problem. Please shampoo first.


xiǎng would like
jiǎn to cut
to wash
liú to leave
一点 yīdiǎn a little
chuī blow
tàng perm (the hair)
造型 zàoxíng modeling
rǎn to dye
刘海 liúhǎi fringe
护理 hùlǐ tend and protect