Elementary - Surfing Online (B0135)

wǒ xǐhuan shàngwǎng 。wǒ huā hěn duō shíjiān liúlǎn tǐyù wǎngzhàn 。
I like to surf the Internet. I spend a lot of time browsing sports websites.

wǒ yě jīngcháng shàngwǎng 。dànshì wǒ kàn zuìjìnde xīnwén 。
I often surf the Internet too, but I read the latest news.

nǐ shàngwǎng liáotiān ma ?
Do you ever chat online?

wǒ yǒushí yòng MSNhé péngyou liáotiān 。
I do. I sometimes use MSN to chat with my friends.


上网 shàngwǎng to go online
huā to spend
duō much
时间 shíjiān time
浏览 liúlǎn to browse
体育 tǐyù sport
网站 wǎngzhàn website
经常 jīngcháng often
但是 dànshì but
kàn to see
最近的 zuìjìnde latest
新闻 xīnwén news
上网 shàngwǎng to go online
聊天 liáotiān to chat
有时 yǒushí sometimes
冲浪 chōnglàng surf
下载 xiàzǎi to download
上传 shàngchuán to upload
在线 zàixiàn online
网络游戏 wǎngluò yóuxì online games