Elementary - I don't have time (B0131)

nǐ shénme shíhòu yǒukòng ?
When do you have free time?

wǒ zuìjìn méiyǒu shíjiān 。
Recently I haven’t had any time.

nǐ shàngbān lùshang huā duōjiǔ ?
How long does it take you to get to work?

zuò dìtiě hěn kuài ,zuò chē hěn màn 。
It is really fast to go by subway. It is really slow to go by bus.


什么时候 shénme shíhòu when
有空 yǒukòng to have time
最近 zuìjìn recently
时间 shíjiān time
huā to spend
多久 duōjiǔ how long
zuò to ride
地铁 dìtiě subway
kuài quick
打的 dǎdī take a taxi
走路去 zǒulù qù to go on foot
堵车 dǔchē traffic jam
赶车 gǎnchē rush to catch a bus
赶时间 gǎn shíjiān hurry up (to do sth.)