Elementary - Office Policy: Internet (B0093)

zuìjìn wǒmen fāxiàn xǔduō yuángōng zài gōngzuò shíjiān nèi shǐyòng hùliánwǎng liáotiān 。yuángōng bù kěyǐ zài shàngbān shí shàngwǎng liáotiān 。yuángōng zhǐnéng shǐyòng hùliánwǎng gōngzuò huò yǔ kèhù liánxì 。
Recently we have discovered that many of our employees are using the Internet to chat during working hours. Employees can’t use the Internet to chat online at work. Employees can only use the Internet for work or to communicate with customers.


最近 zuìjìn recently
发现 fāxiàn to discover
员工 yuángōng employees
zài at
工作时间 gōngzuò shíjiān working time
nèi within
使用 shǐyòng to use
互联网 hùliánwǎng Internet
聊天 liáotiān to chat
可以 kěyǐ can
上网 shàngwǎng to go online
只能 zhǐnéng only to be able
禁止 jìnzhǐ prohibit
网站 wǎngzhàn website
网页 wǎngyè web page
迟到 chídào late
早退 zǎotuì leave early
私事 sīshì private or personal affair