Elementary - Hobbies: Music (B0087)

wǒ shàng dàxué de shíhou hěn xǐhuan tīng yīnyuè 。
When I was in college, I really liked listening to music.

wǒ yě shì 。yóuqí shì liúxíng yīnyuè 。
Me too. Especially pop music.

dànshì xiànzài wǒ méiyǒu xìngqù tīng yīnyuè 。
But now I’m not interested in listening to music.

zhēnde ma ?wǒ hái shì yǒu xìngqù tīng yīnyuè 。
Really? I’m still interested in listening to music.


shàng to attend
大学 dàxué university
tīng to listen to
流行 liúxíng popular
音乐 yīnyuè music
尤其 yóuqí especially
现在 xiànzài now
兴趣 xìngqù interest
还是 hái shì still
爱好 àihào interest
书法 shūfǎ calligraphy
下棋 xiàqí to play chess
画画 huàhuà to draw
钓鱼 diàoyú to fish
运动 yùndòng sports
跳舞 tiàowǔ to dance
唱歌 chànggē to sing
看书 kàn shū to read books
看电影 kàn diànyǐng to watch films