Newbie - Definitely! (A0138)

nǐ míngtiān yīdìng lái wǒ jiā wán ma ?
Tomorrow are you definitely coming to my house to hang out?

wǒ yīdìng lái 。
I’m definitely coming.

míngtiān xiàwǔ wǔdiǎnzhōng 。
Five o’clock tomorrow afternoon.

hǎo de 。míngtiān jiàn 。
OK, see you tomorrow.


明天 míngtiān tomorrow
一定 yīdìng certainly
lái to come to
下午 xiàwǔ afternoon
五点钟 wǔdiǎnzhōng at 5 o\'clock
明天见 míngtiān jiàn see you tomorrow
后天 hòutiān the day after tomorrow
下个月 xià ge yuè next month
上个月 shàng ge yuè last month
昨天 zuótiān yesteday
今天 jīntiān today
去年 qùnián last year
明年 míngnián next year