Newbie - Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn (A0067)

nǐhǎo ,wǒ shì Smithxiānsheng 。wǒ dìng le yī ge fángjiān 。
I am Mr. Smith. I booked a room.

Smithxiānsheng ,duì ma ?wǒ kàn yīxià 。
Mr. Smith, right? I will have a look.

zhè shì wǒ de hùzhào 。
This is my passport.

xièxie 。nín shāoděng 。
Thank you. Please wait a moment.


shì to be
先生 xiānsheng Mr.
dìng to reserve
房间 fángjiān room
duì correct
看一下 kàn yīxià to take a look
zhè this
护照 hùzhào passport
稍等 shāoděng wait a moment
双人间 shuāngrénjiān double room
标准间 biāozhǔnjiān standard room
预定 yùdìng reserve
登记 dēngjì register
签名 qiānmíng sign
证件 zhèngjiàn credentials