Newbie - Taxi Conversations: Arriving at your Destination (A0065)

xiānsheng ,wǒmen dào le 。nín yòng kǎ hái shì yòng xiànjīn ?
Sir, we’ve arrived. Are you going to use a card or cash?

wǒ yòng xiànjīn ,hǎo ma ?duōshǎo qián ?
I will use cash. Is that ok? How much is it?

bāshíwǔ kuài 。
Eighty five RMB.

bāshíwǔ kuài 。zhènghǎo 。xièxie 。
Here is exactly eighty five RMB. Thank you.


先生 xiānsheng sir
到了 dào le to arrive
yòng to use
还是 hái shì or
现金 xiànjīn cash
多少钱 duōshǎo qián how much
八十五块 bāshíwǔ kuài 85 RMB
正好 zhènghǎo just right
刷卡 shuākǎ to swipe a card
给你 gěi nǐ here you are
找零 zhǎolíng change
tíng to stop
停车 tíngchē to stop
下车 xiàchē debus
不用找 bùyòng zhǎo need not to give