Newbie - Too Many Cooks (A0058)

nǐ huì zuòcài ma ?
Can you cook?

huì yīdiǎn 。nǐ ne ?
A little bit. What about you?

wǒ zuò de hěn hǎo 。wǒ de náshǒu cài shì fānqié chǎodàn 。
I cook very well. My specialty is tomatoes with fried eggs.

nà nǐ xiàyīcì zuò gěi wǒ chī 。
Well, cook it for me next time.


huì can
zuò to make
做菜 zuòcài to make food
一点 yīdiǎn a bit
de (structural particle)
我的 wǒ de my
拿手菜 náshǒu cài specialty dish
shì to be
番茄炒蛋 fānqiéchǎodàn tomato fried egg
下一次 xiàyīcì next time
gěi for
厨师 chúshī cook
厨房 chúfáng kitchen
厨艺 chúyì cooking skill
厨具 chújù cooking utensils
烧菜 shāocài to cook
炒菜 chǎocài to fry
菜谱 càipǔ cookbook
味道 wèidao flavor
xiāng fragrant
美味 měiwèi delicious
好吃 hǎochī tasty