Newbie - Weekend Warriors (A0046)

nǐ zhōumò xǐhuan zuò shénme ?
What do you like to do on the weekends?

zhōumò ma ?wǒ xǐhuan zài jiālǐ xiūxi 。nǐ ne ?
On the weekends? I like to stay at home and rest. How about you?

wǒ xǐhuan hé péngyou chūqù ,wǒmen jīntiān wǎnshang qù jiǔbā 。
I like to go out with friends. We are going to a bar tonight.


周末 zhōumò weekend
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
zuò to do
做饭 zuòfàn to cook food
zài in;at
休息 xiūxi to rest
出去 chūqù to go out
酒吧 jiǔbā bar
今天晚上 jīntiān wǎnshang tonight
运动 yùndòng sports
泡吧 pàobā to go drinking at a bar
上网 shàngwǎng to go online
约会 yuēhuì date
加班 jiābān work overtime