Newbie - Married with Children (A0040)

nǐ jiéhūn le ma ?
Are you married?

méiyǒu 。wǒ shì dānshēn 。nǐ ne ?
No. I am single. And you?

wǒ jiéhūn le 。wǒ yǒu liǎng ge xiǎohái 。
I am married. I have two kids.

nán de háishi nǚ de ?
Male or female?

yī ge nán de ,yī ge nǚ de 。
A boy and a girl.


结婚 jiéhūn to get married
没有 méiyǒu to not have
shì to be
单身 dānshēn single person
你呢 nǐ ne what about you
yǒu to have
liǎng two
ge (common measure word)
小孩 xiǎohái children
男的 nán de male
还是 háishi or
女的 nǚ de female
已经 yǐjīng already
离婚 líhūn to get divorced
未婚 wèihūn unmarried
已婚 yǐhūn married
年轻 niánqīng young
自由 zìyóu freedom
喜欢 xǐhuan to like
幸福 xìngfú fortunate
家庭 jiātíng family