Newbie - Sightseeing (A0029)

qǐng wèn Tiān'ānménguǎngchǎng zài nǎli ?
Excuse me, where is Tiananmen Square?

Tiān'ānménguǎngchǎng lí zhèlǐ bù yuǎn 。
It is not far from here.

zěnme zǒu ?
How can I get there?

yīzhí zǒu ,zài yòu zhuǎn 。
Walk straight, then turn right.


天安门 Tiān'ānmén Tiananmen
广场 guǎngchǎng square
(distant) from
yuǎn far
怎么 zěnme how
一直 yīzhí continuously
zǒu to go
zài then
zhuǎn to turn
车站 chēzhàn station
过马路 guò mǎlù to go across the road
左拐 zuǒguǎi to turn left
坐车 zuòchē to take a bus
往前走 wǎng qián zǒu to go straight
十字路口 shízìlùkǒu crossroads