Newbie - Call me! (A0027)

Lǐ Xiānsheng zài bu zài ?
Is Mr. Li there?

tā bù zài ,tā dào Běijīng qù le 。
He is not here. He went to Beijing.

zhēnde ?tā shénme shíhou huílai ?
Really? When is he coming back?

tā míngtiān huí Shànghǎi 。
He will come back to Shanghai tomorrow.


在不在 zài bu zài to be in or not
dào to
什么时候 shěnme shíhou when, what time
回来 huílai to come back
huí to return (to)
to go
明天 míngtiān tomorrow
出去了 chūqu le be out
在家 zàijiā at home
出差 chūchāi go on business
下星期 xiā xīngqī next week
开会 kāihuì hold a meeting
刚才 gāngcái just now