Languages Study | Languages of the East | Japanese III |
Grammar II - 22.04 | |
~のに - ~noni (~no ni) |
のに - no ni connects two facts, A and B, which hold in spite of the expectation that if A is the case, B is not the case. |
"AのにB," therefore means "A, but contrary to expectations B, too" or "B, despite the fact A." | |
この会社はお金があるのに、 給料は低いです。 |
This company is rich, but it's workers' salaries are low. |
kono kaisha-wa okane-ga aru no-ni, |
家にいるのに、電話に出ない。 | She's home but does not answer the phone. |
ie-ni iru no ni, denwa-ni denai. | |
The predicate in the part A is in the short form.
When A ends with a な-adjective or with a noun+です, it appears as な, just like in the explanatory んです construction. |
田中さんは親切なのに、 山田さんは田中さんがきらいです。 |
Ms. Tanaka is nice, but Ms. Yamada does not like her. |
tanaka-san-wa shinsetsu-na no ni, yamada-san-wa, tanaka-san-ga kirai desu. |
大きな問題なのに、 あの人は誰にも相談しません。 |
It is a big issue, but he does not consult with anybody. |
ookina mondai-na no ni, ano hito-wa dare-ni-mo soodan shimasen. |
Because noni connects two facts, you cannot have non-factual sentences like requests, and suggestions in the B clause: | |
Compare: | |
日本語が少し難しいのに、 これを読んでください。 |
This Japanese is a little difficult, but please read it. ("in spite of it's difficult") |
nihongo-ga sukoshi mizukashii no ni, |
日本語が少し難しいけど、 これを読んでください。 |
("it's difficult, however...") |
nihongo-ga sukoshi mizukashii kedo, kore-o yonde kudasai. |
あまりおいしそうじゃないのに、 ここで食べましょう。 |
The food does not look very promising, but
let's eat here. ("in spite of ...") |
amari oishi soo ja nai no ni, koko-de tabemashoo. |
あまりおいしそうじゃないけど、 ここで食べましょう。 |
("however...") |
amari oishi soo ja nai kedo, koko-de tabemashoo. |