Français English
Soixante-deuxième (62e) Leçon  
Il pleut (1) It is raining
1 Le lendemain (2) matin, il pleuvait.
2 Paul prit son petit déjeuner au lit :
3 un bol de café au lait et deux croissants (3).
4 Comme il avait bien dîné la veille (4),
5 ce léger repas lui suffit.
6 Puis, il sonna de nouveau le garçon, et demanda :
7 — Puis-je (5) prendre un bain?
8 — Certainement, monsieur. Je vais faire couler l'eau.
9 La salle de bains est au fond du couloir.
10 D'ailleurs (6), je vous appellerai dès que le bain sera prêt.
11 Quand le garçon vint frapper à la porte quelques minutes plus tard,
12 Paul s'était déjà rendormi (7).
13 Il se leva, et, en pyjama et en pantoufles,
14 suivit le garçon jusqu'à la salle de bains,
15 où on l'entendit bientôt siffler joyeusement.
— 1 The next morning, it was raining.
— 2 P. had (took) his breakfast (little lunch) in bed :
— 3 a bowl of coffee with milk and two rolls (crescents).
— 4 As he had dined well the day before, — this light meal was sufficient for (sufficed) him.
— 6 Then, he rang for the waiter again (of new), and asked :
— 7 Can I have (take) a bath?
— 8 Certainly, Sir. I will turn on ("make to flow") the water.
— 9 The bath-room is at the end (bottom) of the passage.
— 10 Anyway ("Of elsewhere") I shall call you as soon as the bath is (will be) ready.
— 11 When the waiter came and knocked (to knock) at the door a few minutes later,
— 12 P. had already gone to sleep again.
— 13 He got up, and in his pyjamas and (in) slippers,
— 14 followed the waiter to (until) the bath-room,
— 15 where he was soon heard (one heard him soon) whistling merrily (joyously).
Le bon fromage (8)
16 Ah, mesdames, voilà du bon fromage!
17 Voilà du bon fromage au lait,
18 Il est du pays de celui qui l'a fait!
19 Celui qui l'a fait était de son village,
20 Ah, mesdames, voilà du bon fromage,
21 Voilà du bon, etc.
The good cheese
— 16 Ah, my ladies, here (there) is some good cheese!
— 17 Here is some good milk-cheese,
— 18 It is from the country of the man (this one) who made it.
— 19 He who made it was from his village, etc.
Notons :
Je suis rentré de bonne heure : I have come home early.
Il me semble que j'ai sommeil, et pourtant, je n'arrive pas à m'endormir :
It seems to me that I am sleepy, and still I can't manage to go to sleep.
Je viendrai demain matin sans faute : I'll come tomorrow morning without fail.
Je ne l'ai fait que le lendemain matin : I only did it the next morning.
Il y était allé la veille au soir : He had gone there the evening before.
Dès que je serai prêt, je vous appelerai : As soon as I am ready, I'll call you.


Îá óðîêå 40062
Ôðàíöóçñêèé áåç òðóäîâ: Óðîê ïðîéäåí

Âû èçó÷èëè óðîê? 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5

6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16

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